Name: Hayley Ulloa
Year in Program: 4th year in Fall 2022
Department: Genetics
Mentor: Dr. Ed Grabczyk
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Education: B.S. in Biological Sciences Concentration:Molecular Biology from Southeastern Louisiana University
Past Research Experience: I participated in a STEM Outreach Program that introduced molecular biology techniques to high school and community college students, while in undergrad. After graduation, I was nominated as an Instructor for the TRIO Math Science Upward Bound Program, a federally funded program that aims to prepare first-generation college students for a degree in STEM.
Current Research Interest: To understand the underlying mechanism contributing to DNA repeat expansion in disorders such as Friedreich Ataxia and Huntington’s disease.
Publications: None yet.
Career Goal: Industry job working on repeat expansion disorders or academia.
Best Thing about the Program: Meeting students/faculty who share a passion for scientific research in an effort to improve the lives of patients.
What makes you unique? Worked as a veterinary technician for 10 years prior to graduate school and have a dog, cat, 10 snakes, and a lizard at home!