School of Graduate Studies

Dissertation Guidelines


Formatting Manual


Dissertation/Thesis Committees

PhD Candidates

  • The examining committee must contain: 
    • Five graduate faculty members*, one of whom must be from a department other than the student's department. 
      • One additional member of the committee may be from outside the Health Sciences Center.
      • The Dean may serve as a member or may appoint members to the Committee.

MS Candidates

  • The examinaing committee must contain: 
    • 3 graduate faculty members*, one of whom must be from a department different than the student's department. 

*Graduate faculty members must be current LSUHSC faculty that have been nominated by a basic sciences department and approved by the GAC before they are considered official graduate faculty members. More information can be found here:

Please check this website for the most up to date list of graduate faculty members:  


Dissertation/Thesis Forms


Request for Dissertation/Thesis and Final Examination Form

Report of Dissertation/Thesis and Final Examination Form

The request form must be submitted two weeks prior to the defense. The deadline to submit dissertations/thesis is always one month prior to the conferral date of a given term. If you have not turned in the report form by the deadline, your graduation date will be postponed until the subsequent semester. 


Dissertation/Thesis Publication

After your defense,  you must submit your dissertation or thesis to ProQuest for electronic publication at the following link: