School of Graduate Studies

mohamed sayed


Name:  Mohamed Sayed                                       

Year in Program: 1st

Department: Cell Biology and Anatomy

Mentor: Prof. Dr. Si-Qiong June Liu

Hometown: Cairo, Egypt

Education: Bachelor of Pharmaceutical sciences (clinical pharmacy), Cairo University

Past Research Experience: Cancer biology

Current Research Interest: Cerebellar Endocannabinoid modulation of fear memory

Matissek SJ, Han W, Karbalivand M, Sayed M, Reilly BM, Mallat S, Ghazal SM, Munshi M, Yang G, Treon SP, Walker SR, Elsawa SF. Epigenetic targeting of Waldenström macroglobulinemia cells with BET inhibitors synergizes with BCL2 or histone deacetylase inhibition. Epigenomics. 2021 Jan;13(2):129-144. doi: 10.2217/epi-2020-0189. Epub 2020 Dec 24. Erratum in: Epigenomics. 2021 Jun;13(11):909-911. PMID: 33356554; PMCID: PMC865631

Career Goal: Academia

Best Thing about the Program: informative and enjoyable

What makes you unique? Highly-motivated, creative and resourceful